attempted suicide




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1·"Severe acne is not a trivial condition," wrote Anders Sundstrom and colleagues. "it is associated with an increased risk of attempted suicide."
“重度痤疮可不仅仅是一种简单疾病,”Anders Sundstrom和他的同事们写到,“这已经跟企图自杀风险的增加联系了起来”。
2·One, a 70-year-old, killed himself with a poison capsule. The other, 26-year-old Kim Hyon Hui, attempted suicide in the same fashion but was stopped.
其中一名70岁的特工服下有毒胶囊自尽身亡,26岁的Kim Hyon Hui试图以同样的方式自杀但却遭到了制止。
3·In his autobiography, he says he attempted suicide the night that Helen died, by running up and down stairs in the vain hope that it would induce a heart attack.
4·While female display, more rates than male with the symptoms of attempted suicide, psychic anxiety, somatic anxiety, general somatic symptoms, diurnal variation.
5·This is a critical question because the young person who has previously attempted suicide is at higher risk of attempting it again compared with someone who never has.
6·Objective The purpose of the study was to investigate the association of A1438G polymorphism of 5 -HT2A receptor gene with attempted suicide in psychiatric patients.
7·The review revealed that 4% of those taking antidepressants thought about or attempted suicide (although no suicides occurred), compared to 2% of those receiving placebos.
8·In Donghao, a woman who asked to be identified only by her surname, Wang, said she had attempted suicide three times, adding that her husband had abused her repeatedly.
9·Methods a total of 52 cases of psychiatric patients with attempted suicide, 64 cases of psychiatric patients with no suicide and 63 normal controls were included in the study.
10·The team analyzed medical records of over one million men dating back nearly a quarter century. Of the one million, nearly 18, 000 were admitted at least once for attempted suicide.
研究团队分析了近25年来超过百万人的医疗档案, 在这一百多万人中,有大约18,000人承认自己至少尝试过一次自杀。